Cosmetic Dental Seminars Work
Why Seminars or Webinars?
5 Important Reasons to Conduct Public Seminars/Webinars
Think about it There are only two ways to get in front of a prospective patient, in person, to talk at length about your services — either at a one-on-one consultation, or at a seminar. Here are 5 big reasons to include seminars or webinars in your marketing plan:
1) Seminars/Webinars Attract Lots of Leads — at the Lowest Cost-Per-Lead!
If you’re spending money on advertising, a seminar/webinar promotion will produce the highest number of leads at the lowest cost-per-lead. That’s because advertising a seminar/webinar is like “casting out a wide net.” Seminars or webinars attract people who are in all stages of decision-making — from those just beginning to consider cosmetic dental services…to those ready to select a doctor. Seminars/webinars are, hands-down, the fastest way fill up your pipeline (and candidate database).
2) Seminars/Webinars Save You Time
Rather than spending your time generating leads one-by-one, leverage your time and let advertising work for you. An effective seminar/webinar promotion is the perfect way to get a group of qualified candidates to “raise their hands” and indicate their interest in your services. Then, rather than meet with them individually, you can meet with a whole group of candidates at the same time, at your seminar or webinar!
3) Seminars/Webinars Position You as the Expert — Drawing candidates to YOU
When you regularly conduct seminars/webinars, you will quickly become the expert in your community, in consumers’ minds. When people think of dental implants or cosmetic dental services, they’ll automatically think of you!
Imagine running a “proven” seminar/webinar promotion in your community that will catch the eye of qualified candidates interested in cosmetic dental services…and having them call YOUR phone number to make reservations for YOUR seminar or webinar!
4) Seminars/Webinars Help People Take the Next Step — to Meet With You!
Deciding to have a major cosmetic dental procedure — such as implants — is a highly-complex decision for people, because it’s usually a once-in-a-lifetime decision! Research tells us that in order to make a highly-complex decision, people need A LOT of information, and the RIGHT information, before they feel comfortable enough to move to the next step in the decision-making process. That’s why seminars/webinars are the perfect forum for marketing to the public — they’ll get the information they need during a 2-hour seminar/webinar so people will feel comfortable enough to take the next step — which is to schedule a one-on-one appointment with YOU!
5) You Don’t Have to Reinvent the Wheel — You Can Follow a Proven Seminar/Webinar System
K Dunn & Associates provides a turn-key “Seminar/Webinar Marketing System”. You’ll have access to our high-producing seminar/webinar promotions, proven seminar/webinar presentations, and all the details and systems that go into seminar marketing. Plus, you’ll be entitled to unlimited coaching — including initial weekly calls to take you through our complete system step-by-step — all to help make your events a success. The best part — if you’re not completely satisfied, our services won’t cost you a cent!
If you think you can do this on your own, think again. It would take a lot of trial & error to get the same results K Dunn & Associates can produce for you immediately — and you’d likely lose lots of potential business in the process. Many of our clients come to us after trying to do seminars/webinars on their own…and, once they try our system, they experience results like never before. We have a proven track record of producing significantly more seminar/webinar reservations and appointments.
Let’s schedule a FREE, 30-minute, phone consultation to discuss how seminars/webinars would work for you. Click the button to schedule, or call…